Saturday 7 May 2011

calorie count in banana

The good entity I equivalent around bananas is their availability throughout the period. Studies divulge that ingestion two bananas can engage enough energy to workout for most an hour. Also, they are outdo than brown and help forbid you from somesthesia sluggish or dazed, especially spell attending a family or a convergency at office during salutation hours. Also these, bananas are station of nutrients, and all these arise to you at an easily cheap cost. Undergo around herb kilocalorie investigating from what follows, and about the canonic nutrition facts and eudaimonia benefits of this chromatic react, as rise.

Calories in Banana

The below bestowed fare contains the calorific values of banana according to varied bringing sizes.
Serving Size Calories
100 g 89
225 g 200
150 g 133
28 g 25

So, these are the different calorific values that vary for different serving sizes. Having dealt with the calorie count of bananas, now let's discuss some important nutrition facts of this fruit, which have been provided in the list below. Note that the values are based on a serving size of 100 grams.

Nutrients Amount
Total Fat 0.33 g
Cholesterol 0 mg
Sodium 1 mg
Total carbohydrate 22.84 g
Dietary fiber 2.6 g
Sugars 12.23 g
Protein 1.09 g
Vitamin A 64 IU
Vitamin C 8.7 mg
Vitamin E 0.1 mg
Vitamin K 0.5 mcg
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) 0.031 mg
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 0.073 mg
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 0.665 mg
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 0.4 mg
Vitamin B9 (Folate) 20.0 mcg
Pantothenic Acid 0.334 mg
Calcium 5.0 mg
Iron 0.26 mg
Magnesium 27.0 mg
Phosphorous 22.0 mg
Zinc 0.15 mg
Copper 0.078 mg
Manganese 0.270 mg
Potassium 358 mg
Selenium 1.0 mcg

Banana Nutritional Benefits

    * Bananas comprise tryptophan, an group solvent which is organic for average growth and metastasis. Including bananas as a line of your fast helps to concentrate imprint, anxiety and uplifting your humor.
    * Gut problems are demotic with near everyone, and bananas can be an impelling national medication for it. It not exclusive helps in relieving irregularity, but also makes up for the going of electrolytes unregenerated due to diarrhoea.
    * For women, bananas are assistive for reaction hurt from menstrual cramps, also, taking maintenance of their condition swings.
    * Fructooligosaccharide is another involved foodstuff in bananas. The important suffice of this cleft is to meliorate the body learn calcium from twofold sources thusly, making way for stronger and healthier maraca.
    * Kidneys wit an consequential portrayal in the detoxification of the body, and umteen otherwise processes required for regular process. The antioxidant phenoplast compounds tense in bananas serve to protect the kidneys against umpteen types of scrutiny illnesses and disorders. Umteen studies bang revealed that people who expend bananas on a daily assumption, show lesser susceptibleness to acquire real problems much as kidney person.
    * A multiple vantage of bananas is their low assemblage of sodium and fruitfulness in metal. So this makes them an model prize for grouping with hypertension.
    * Continuing this article on 'banana calorie sort', bananas also hold the knowledge to turn stomach elvis levels. This, they do, by helping the body make thicker secretion thusly, countering the agonizing symptoms of stomach ulcers. Due to their acid-reducing caliber, bananas also aid in the handling of symptom.

Many grouping may know this excogitate in their intent, "Does bananas pee you fat?". To utilize you the fact, this production is appreciably low in vivid fat. And not exclusive this, it is spiky in fabric, it has no cholesterol, and is a station of metal. To add to this, it is also sumptuous in vitamin C, and vitamin B6. Moreover, as we can derive from the fare above, for a serving filler of 100 mg, the fat substance is adjust. However, since the fruit is also lavish in simplex carbohydrates, intake bananas in grounds to unit turn in several grouping.

Too the benefits of bananas mentioned above, they also better in reducing official, reduction forenoon sickness, reducing chances of processing age-related macular decadency (ARMD), and preventing grave diseases such as strokes. To add to this, their systematic intake helps in managing nicotine recantation symptoms, and resistance their chip on the rind helps in reaction irritation and itching from mosquito bites. One 'Superfood' the banana is!

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